Wednesday, June 15, 2016

What The Heck Are They Thinking?

180 seconds a day with the goal of a 180 degree change.
Yup, we want to get people all over the world to BLESS THEIR ENEMIES.
We do not care if you are a Moslem, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Nihlist, Scientist - or any other ist, ian, ish, or what ever.

Funny thing about the really bad guys (and ladies) - none of us are ever going to Out Bad them. (Not that you would want to mess up your Chi by being BAD anyway, right?) You can't shout down someone with an ego the size of New Zeeland. You cannot out bad ass the worst bad ass.
Instead - we want you to commit to Blessing Your Enemies for 180 seconds a day. Three minutes! The other significance of the 180 is that we need to turn things around 180 degrees
Think of this as high energy, spiritual ju jitsu.
Think of this as a White Light Positive Vibration Global Drone Program!

If you look in the any variety of scriptures and holy writ you will learn that most, if not all, great teachers instruct us to really mess with our enemies by BLESSING THEM.

So, you don't believe in any of that ancient mumbo jumbo? You are a woman of science or a man who only grooves to that which can be PROVEN in a lab?

Cool - we got work for you, too. First, there have been all kinds of studies that show prayer for people in the hospital works - even for those who do not know they are being prayed for. (Google it, if you don't believe us.)

Secondly - science has shown us that EVERYTHING is made up of energy - from the biggest biggest to the smallest smallest. So if you really believe science has the answers, the spend 180 minutes directing positive energy toward whomever you consider to be an enemy of anything that is good, peaceful, and wonderful on our planet.

There is no agenda here other than the belief that we can turn things around. We don't have a Main Office we want you to donate to. There are no wearables for sale. No posters to buy. No sign up fee. PayPal don't Pay for nothing around here, Pal.

Pretty complicated program, eh? We all spend 3 minutes a day blessing those who abuse humans, animals, the Earth in general, or civil rights. Do it every day - you can pick a new target every day or every 60 seconds - we do NOT care. There is no right or wrong - just concentrate, pray, meditate, blessings and good things on the lives of your enemies. You can speak it aloud or keep it to yourself.

July 10th, 20016

Interesting things have been happening on my end. As I have prayed blessings for people that I consider an "enemy" of mine, I have lost pretty much all the feelings of enmity.

Today as I was going down my list, part of my brain was saying, "Him? What do you have against him? You might want to find some more enemies, dude - this guy is no big deal."

How cool is that? Not only am I spending pretty much ZERO time out of my day thinking of people who have done me wrong, but even when I deliberately think of them IN ORDER TO BLESS THEM, I feel like I really do not have a quarrel with them anymore and need to move on.

SO, as I eliminate these small targets who have wounded me on some kind of personal level, I am moving up the food chain to folks that I might consider enemies of the environment, enemies of my favorite state: Michigan, or even those who, in my opinion are enemies of humanity in general or enemies of specific groups of people.

Onward and upward!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Have been putting this into practice for one week. The first day, maybe two, felt phony. It is easy to offer good thoughts and blessing to people you like, but for others not so much. FWIW - I made a conscious effort to not turn my blessings into retribution - e.g. "show _____ the error of his ways so that he might be ..." Did not do any of that kind of half assed stuff. I actually prayed for GOOD things to happen for bad people and their families.
    After a couple days I really got into it and started rummaging around in my mind for more bad people to bless.
    Here is a cool, selfish motivator for you: The more you do this the better you will feel about yourself, the "bad" people, and life in general! Try it - you will like it.
